Thursday, November 28, 2013

Blog entry number 8

      "Every man gotta right to decide his destiny" once sang Bob Marley. We've seen time and time

again men rising to power, and taking the voices away from everyone else for their own selfish agenda. 

Fortunately for us, in America, we are living in a time where you can have a choice to be someone or let 

life take its course. Dylan Thomas's " Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" implores that you do the 

former, taking chances and forging your own path. This is so that when it is time to go, you can look 

back your life and remember all that you have created, without regrets.
        The overall vibe of said poem feels emotionally demanding and angry, being that the this is an cry for

living life to the fullest. The symbolism in the title where it states " That Night" is referring to a specific night.

Night in itself is a representation of slumber, end of the day, end of life (death). The title is seen again in the

first stanza, which describes that "feeling tired" should go away every morning you wake up. For every

morning/day is an opportunity for creation. The poem's title is repeated constantly, as well as the line "Rage,

rage against the dying of the light," creating a sort of chanting the readers head.

        The second stanza, shows that men all know that one day it will all be our turns to go, but make sure to

not waste a moment because then you will be bitter when you cannot anymore. A powerful symbolic line

is"Because their words had forked no lighting" which pushes the reader to express their feelings, because it

could be so powerful it could affect the world. The same can be said in the third stanza. Here the author


a little bit of sarcasm "Crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced." Bright is grand, and amazing

where frail is weak and brittle.
        The fourth stanza, speaks about who had thought were on their way towards their visions, then realized

that, that was never what they wanted. ("And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way.") this can be

compared to getting a job that you are amazing at, and people look for you, but it isn't what you wanted

from your life. The fifth stanza is an echo of before, speaking about one day waking up and looking back at

your life and being proud of your accomplishments. The sixth stanza is a representation of the speaker and

his relationship with God. He begs God, who watches him make all these mistakes to please let it rain

(rebirth), so that he can stay on the proper path of his goal.

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