Edgar Allan Poe: Alone
Edgar Allan Poe was an American literature writer, poet, and critic. He was born in January18, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was widely known for his detective/horror stories. One might say that his unusual/uncomfortable stories come from his treacherous life. His biological parents weren't in the picture for the most part, so he moved in with faster parents John and Francis Allan. John and Poe never really got along, especially over the fact that he wouldn't help Poe with school tuitions and requirements, so it took him into gambling, which ended leaving him in debt. To make matters worse when he returned home, he found out his then girl friend was now engaged to another man. He joined a military academy, West Point, in 1830, though he was kicked out a year later. Unfortunately during his lifetime,the author never truly enjoyed significant success and regard as he does now ironically after his death. This poem was recommended to me by a friend, and it seemed pretty challenging.
In the subject of finding symbolism, the title "Alone" is symbolic. On line one the word childhood is found, and in line one and two " I have not been as others were."
In line 4 spring is mentioned. In life 5, the word source is used. Line 6 there is symbolism in awaken, as well as line 7 belonging to heart. Line 9 goes to "then-." Line 10 is stormy life-. Line 12 had the words mystery and binds, and then 13 had fountain and torrent. Line 14 had red cliff, and mountain.Line 15 had sun, then 16 had gold and autumn. There was also back and forth compare and contrast in lines 17-22, as well as the words cloud, heaven and demon.
The direct meaning of "Alone"is without anyone else. The definition of childhood is the state of being a child, or the early period of development. Spring means to grow as a plant, to move by elastic force; coming into being. Source is the cause of something , or someone/something that provides what is wanted or needed. Awaken means to stop sleeping; wake up. Heart is the organ in your chest, that pumps blood through your veins and arteries; where emotions are felt. Dawn is when it begins to become light as the sun rises; to start or begin. Stormy is relating to or affected by the storm; full of anger. Mystery is something beyond understanding. Torrent is a large amount of something that is moving quickly. Fountain is a machine which springs liquids in the air; the source of something. Gold is a yellow metal used in jewelry;' grand. Sun is the star that the earth moves around; heat, light. Cloud is a gray mass in the sky; a mass group moving in the air. Heaven is the place where god lives and where people who are good go after death; the sky. Demon is an evil spirit, or something that causes a person to have a lot of trouble or unhappiness.
In my interpretation of alone, I found it easier to break the piece in sections of 4. This gave me 6 sections to work on. In my first section (lines 1-4), I got the feeling that the narrator was stuck in a negative place, while others move on with their life. Using words like spring and childhood, it is sensed that there is a longing for rebirth or a second chance. In the second section (lines 4-8)I got that he felt alone, and no one understood him, with words like awaken. This pushes the idea that this man is asleep, stuck and inside himself in an ironic manner. In the third section, I got that when it all began the narrator had no control, or no idea what they were getting into, and the unresolved issue or past, haunts them to this day. On he fourth and fifth section, I got the notion that the character felt out of control and out of touch, and beautiful day or cold day they would always feel this pain. No matter how beautiful life may seem, there is always something to take them back there.
I enjoyed your essay, and your choice of poem. Poe is a great writer. although I think for paragraph two, a brief interpretation of symbolism would have been great. There are also simple errors in "foster parents" (first paragraph) and "On the fourth and fifth section" (last paragraph). Besides those points I think this essay is a great outline for the upcoming blog entry 5, and I look forward to reading the revision.